Introducing Agenty AI

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Agenty AI.

The AI-based web scraping software, designed to revolutionize the way you gather data from the web. With this cutting-edge technology, we are providing you an incredible opportunity to get early access of Agenty AI.

  • All you agents, lists etc. has been moved to Agenty.AI

Please note, you must reset your password on first sign in attempt due to the new SHA algorithm in password hashing.

Breaking changes


The /scheduler API now uses the UNIX based CRON scheduler instead quartz. If you are using the API to schedule an agent, you’ll need to pass the valid unix CRON expression.


The /integrations API has been moved to Workflows which will allow you to select multiple(or all) agents to setup a workflow.

For example, you can create a single workflow to send email alert for all your agents or webhook instead creating individually for each agent.

Pagination limit

The pagination limit has been set to 1000 per fetch, in all API requests.


So, to fetch all the rows. Just keep increasing the offset. For example, send the following GET requests to fetch 4000 rows from your agent result:


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