
Agenty allows to add built-in Post-processing functions with result fields to easily clean and manipulate the agent’s field result. For more clarification what is post -processing technique in data mining or web scraping take an example.

If you have a Price field in your agent with a dollar ($) symbol but don’t want that symbol in your agent result. Here, you can use the built-in Replace function to replace the $ with blank "" by passing the parameters.

There are many post processing technique available in Agenty, to use by passing the different parameters available on each function to manipulate the field result.

The post-processing function executes in parallel for each input URL while the agent is running. So, when a Post-processing function is enabled, you will see the processed result by-default in your result table. While the Post-Processing feature in Scripting run after the agent job is completed and keeps both the result Original and Modified accessible on portal or via API.

Function Description
Append To append a value after the field result
AutoFillBlankCells This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead
Concat This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead
Contains To check if given value contains in the field and returns True or False
CountWords This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead
DefaultValue This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use default fields instead
DeleteRows This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use Filter method available in scripting instead
EndsWith To check if field value ends with particular character and return True or False
Equals To check if the given parameter is equal to field result and return True or False.
IndexOf This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead
Insert To insert something before the field result.
Regex To extract something from the field result using regular expressions.
StartsWith To check if the field result start with the given parameter and returns True or False.
Length To get the length of the field result.
Remove To remove something from the field result using start index and length (the number of characters needs to be removed.)
Replace To replace some text with other in the field result
Substring To extract a part of field result
ToLower To transform the field results in lowercase characters.
ToUpper To transform the field results in uppercase characters.
Trim This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead.
TrimEnd This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead
TrimStart This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead.
Unescape This function is deprecated in Agenty 2.0, use scripting instead

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