Agenty product update - January 2022

We are shipping the instant search, personalized view, concurrency control feature and more improvements on January 2022 release of Agenty.

Instant search

The instant search feature is now available on all the pages (Agents, Lists, Users, Jobs etc.) to quickly find the item you want to check on Agenty.

The pagination limit options has been extended with new 250, 500 options to allow agents to search up to 500 from the same page.

instant search feature

Color coding

The jobs table now has color coding to find errored, running, queued jobs easily with red/yellow/green colors.

Personalized view

Agenty now remember the table sort, limit etc. set by you and will reopen the page in same personalized view forever on the same device to keep the preference stored on browser local or session storage for better experience

Personalized view

Concurrency Control

Customers with Business and Enterprise plans can now control the agent concurrency to specify how many partitions should be done for each job to run on multiple servers.

By default, each scraping job is partitioned into smaller batches if it has 500+ URLs to scrape. Then each batch is executed with concurrency level set in the concurrency control settings.

Load more jobs

The load more jobs option is available now in the history and logs tab to get up to 30 days(as per your plan retention policy) historical jobs data to download for each agent.

Just click on the “Load more” button and it will keep showing the next 10 jobs ordered by created_at field in descending order to show the recent jobs. And keeps loading more and more as you click on the next button.

Plain CSV download

We’ve considered the plain CSV download option requested by some customers over email/feedback after the Agenty 2.0 launch, where gz download option was introduced for faster performance for large files.

So, the plain CSV download option is now available again on the result tab to download recent results on CSV for the zipped version. (Keep sending feedbacks or open issue on our public roadmap)

Readable file sizes

The file size under logs has been improved to show readable format to improve the readability. So, you’ll see it in KB, MB, GB etc. depending on the actual size of the file.

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