Capture a website screenshot programmatically with API

Capture full-page screenshot for any website online in high resolution, mobile emulator with automatic cookie consent, popup blocker to generate clear-clean screenshot.


Convert a webpage into a screenshot by passing the URL. You can send HTTP request in Curl, Node.js, PHP, Python, C# etc to generate a full page screenshot via API.

  • Base URL:
  • API Key: Sign in to your account > go to settings > API Keys to get your api key
GET /api/screenshot
          curl --request GET
POST /api/screenshot
              curl --request POST
  --data '{
    "url": ""


List of options available to customize the screenshot background, login, block ads, wait for a few seconds to render completely or lazy load to customize the webpage screenshot.

Name Description Example
url URL of the web page to capture ''
html HTML content to load into the page instead URL to capture custom HTML screenshot '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body></body></html>'
userAgent User agent string for the browser for whitelisting 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36'
authenticate Authentication options for the web page to Login before capturing the screenshot { username: 'your_username', password: 'your_password' }
addScriptTag Additional script tags to add to the page to manipulate HTML [ { content: 'var element = document.querySelector('.ads'); if(element) element.remove();', type: 'script_type' } ]
addStyleTag Additional style tags to add to the page to add custom styles [ { content: 'body: { background: red; }' } ]
cookies Array of cookies to set for the page [ { domain: '', expires: 3600, httpOnly: true, name: 'cookie_name', path: '/', sameSite: 'Strict', secure: true, url: 'page_url', value: 'cookie_value' } ]
gotoOptions Options for navigating to the page { timeout: 30000, waitUntil: 'networkidle2', referer: 'referer_url' }
manipulate Image manipulation options { resize: { width: 800, height: 600, fit: 'cover', position: 'top' }, flip: true, flop: false, rotate: 90 }
options Screenshot capture options { clip: { height: 600, width: 800, x: 0, y: 0 }, fullPage: true, omitBackground: false, quality: 80, type: 'png' }
rejectRequestPattern Patterns for rejecting requests [ 'doubleclick.js', 'ads.js' ]
rejectResourceTypes Types of resources to reject [ 'csp_report', 'font' ]
requestInterceptors Interceptors for modifying network requests and responses [ { pattern: 'pattern', response: { body: 'response_body', contentType: 'text/plain', headers: { 'header_name': 'header_value' }, status: 200 } } ]
setExtraHTTPHeaders Extra HTTP headers to set for requests { 'header1': 'value1', 'header2': 'value2' }
setJavaScriptEnabled Enable or disable JavaScript for the page true or false
viewport Viewport configuration for the page { deviceScaleFactor: 2, hasTouch: false, height: 800, isLandscape: false, isMobile: false, width: 1280 }
waitFor Elements or events to wait for before taking a screenshot [ 'element_selector', 5000 ]
blockAds Block ads on the page true or false
anonymous Anonymous browsing options { proxy: false, skipResourceTypes: [ 'image', 'stylesheet', 'font' ] }

See all options →


Full page screenshot

Add the fullPage:true option to capture the full page screenshot and take the webpage screenshot entirely

        curl --request POST
--data '{
"url": "",
  "options": {
      "fullPage": true

Screenshot with proxy

Add the proxy proxy:true option to proxy the request from US, UK or other region for anonymity

        curl --request POST
--data '{
"url": "",
  "anonymous": {
      "proxy": true

Close popup before screenshot

Inject custom JavaScript to accept cookie consent, close popup, manipulate DOM before capturing the webpage screenshot

        curl --request POST
--data '{
"url": "",
  "anonymous": {
      "proxy": true

Mobile view screenshot

Add the device, or resolution option to capture screenshots on different devices.

        curl --request POST
--data '{
  "url": "",
  "device": "mobile"

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