Wacker Neuson dealer locations in Canada

Wacker Neuson dealer locations in Canada


Complete list of all 1334 Wacker Neuson dealer POI locations in the Canada with name, geo-coded address, city, email, phone number etc for download in CSV format or via the API.

Total Locations 1334
Last Updated Date February 2, 2025
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List of top 5 locations for Wacker Neuson dealer, ordered by recently added date on their official website: wackerneuson.com

Wacker Neuson
  1. 004088, Beddoes Ltd, (Full Line Dealer)
    Pentrehyling, , Churchstoke, GB, SY15 6HU
  2. 004087, Hamilton Brothers (Part of the Hamilton Ross Group), (Full Line Dealer)
    1 Montgomerie Street, , Tarbolton, GB, KA5 5PR
  3. 004090, Hamilton Brothers (Part of the Hamilton Ross Group), (Full Line Dealer)
    Greenock Road, , Bishopton, GB, PA7 5AP
  4. 004089, M & M PLANT, (Full Line Dealer)
    Trethorne Business Park, , Kennards House, GB, PL15 8QE
  5. 003317, Wacker Neuson Ltd., Sales United Kingdom London
    WN Place, Beacon Way, Stafford, GB, ST18 0WL

Fields and Schema

List of fields and attributes included in Wacker Neuson dealer locations in Canada database

Field DataType Value
_id guid 66d16e81742e273756001363
uuid guid 94c06e0fb17c857fc531078015dd1892
address string Pentrehyling, , Churchstoke, GB, SY15 6HU
city string Churchstoke
country string United Kingdom
created_at date Fri Aug 30 2024 07:02:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
domain url wackerneuson.com
email string bb@beddoesltd.co.uk
latitude string -3.10621
longitude string 52.53201
name string 004088, Beddoes Ltd, (Full Line Dealer)
phone string 015886 20199
state string GB
street string Pentrehyling,
updated_at date Fri Aug 30 2024 07:02:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
url url https://locations.wackerneuson.com/
website string www.beddoesltd.co.uk
zip_code string SY15 6HU


Wacker Neuson dealer POI (Point of interest) API to fetch all the locations database by sending a GET request to Agenty.

# Get locations by dataset SKU

curl --request GET
--url https://api.agenty.com/v2/marketplace/64ed9c4dc9a6cab7d30a9e97?apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
# List of 1334 locations                   
    "_id": "66d16e81742e27375600135b",
    "uuid": "19dfb6b0165e0bc16520d29ed066d6ab",
    "address": "WN Place, Beacon Way, Stafford, GB, ST18 0WL",
    "city": "Stafford",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "created_at": "2024-08-30T07:02:25.328Z",
    "domain": "wackerneuson.com",
    "email": "uk.orders@wackerneuson.com",
    "latitude": -2.07819,
    "longitude": 52.8164388,
    "name": "003317, Wacker Neuson Ltd., Sales United Kingdom London",
    "phone": "01785 785700",
    "state": "GB",
    "street": "WN Place, Beacon Way",
    "updated_at": "2024-08-30T07:02:25.328Z",
    "url": "https://locations.wackerneuson.com/",
    "website": "www.wackerneuson.com",
    "zip_code": "ST18 0WL"

# Get api key from https://cloud.agenty.com/settings/apikeys

How many locations are available for download in this dataset?

The total locations available to download are: 1334

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