Ryan locations in the USA

Ryan locations in the USA


Complete list of all 506 Ryan POI locations in the the USA with name, geo-coded address, city, email, phone number etc for download in CSV format or via the API.

Total Locations 506
Last Updated Date February 4, 2025
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List of top 5 locations for Ryan, ordered by recently added date on their official website: ryan.com

Ryan locations in the USA
  1. Walnut Creek Office
    1981 North BroadwaySuite 342 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
  2. Great Portland Street Office
    180 Great Portland Street London, UK W1W 5QZ
  3. Hunt Valley Office
    20 Wight Avenue, Suite 200 Hunt Valley, MD 21030
  4. Manchester Office
    Oakland House76 Talbot RoadOld Trafford Manchester, UK M16 0PQ
  5. Birmingham Office
    Birmingham Business Park, 1st Floor, 2675 Kings Court, Birmingham, UK B37 7YE

Fields and Schema

List of fields and attributes included in Ryan locations in the USA database

Field DataType Value
_id guid 67a1f5b62fa80e65a2c6c014
uuid guid 0c6e6e22366defdae5ca8428b368763e
address string 1981 North BroadwaySuite 342 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
city string Walnut Creek
country string USA
created_at date Tue Feb 04 2025 11:10:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
domain url ryan.com
map_url url http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1981%20North%20BroadwaySuite%20342,%20Walnut%20Creek,%20California,%20United%20States
name string Walnut Creek Office
phone string 925.942.1004
state string CA
updated_at date Tue Feb 04 2025 11:10:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
url url https://ryan.com/canada-fr/bureaux/walnut-creek-office/
zip_code string 94596


Ryan POI (Point of interest) API to fetch all the locations database by sending a GET request to Agenty.

# Get locations by dataset SKU

curl --request GET
--url https://api.agenty.com/v2/marketplace/670cc6ce1fd4c0df4cef55a6?apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
# List of 506 locations                   
    "_id": "67a1f5a42fa80e65a2c6bdb4",
    "uuid": "0e2bf645a0759a55b32ab9dd69068256",
    "address": "Birmingham Business Park, 1st Floor, 2675 Kings Court, Birmingham, UK B37 7YE",
    "country": "USA",
    "created_at": "2025-02-04T11:10:28.385Z",
    "domain": "ryan.com",
    "map_url": "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Birmingham%20Business%20Park,%201st%20Floor,%202675%20Kings%20Court,%20,%20Birmingham,%20United%20Kingdom",
    "name": "Birmingham Office",
    "phone": " +44 (0) 121 788 4600",
    "state": "",
    "updated_at": "2025-02-04T11:10:28.385Z",
    "url": "https://ryan.com/canada-fr/bureaux/birmingham-office/"

# Get api key from https://cloud.agenty.com/settings/apikeys

How many locations are available for download in this dataset?

The total locations available to download are: 506

When was the dataset last updated exactly?

The dataset is updated every week, the last run was completed on .

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