LovePop store locations in USA
SKU: AG-63E9B770F854FE394BE24079

LovePop store locations in USA


Complete list of all 2956 LovePop store POI locations in the USA with name, geo-coded address, city, email, phone number etc for download in CSV format or via the API.

Total Locations 2956
Last Updated Date February 9, 2025
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List of top 5 locations for LovePop store, ordered by recently added date on their official website:

LovePop store locations in USA
  1. Serendipity Cards and Gifts 23492827
    803 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, 94110, United States
  2. Seasons of New England Gardens & Gifts 25086587
    479 Warwick Avenue,,Warwick,RI,2888
  3. Shipping Plus 23492873
    11420 US HIGHWAY 1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL, 33408-3226, United States
  4. Ship It Sooner 22550012
    12117 Hermosa Ln , Oklahoma City, OK, 73173
  5. Sea Quest Hawaii 24742197
    78-7138 Kaleiopapa Street,,Kailua-Kona,HI,96740,United States

Fields and Schema

List of fields and attributes included in LovePop store locations in USA database

Field DataType Value
_id guid 67a30ab72fa80e65a20baa3d
uuid guid 9fb1e9abe116620e7eedfcfa62cef701
address string 803 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, 94110, United States
city string San Francisco
country string United States
created_at date Wed Feb 05 2025 06:52:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
domain url
latitude string 37.7599167
longitude string -122.4211554
name string Serendipity Cards and Gifts 23492827
state string CA
updated_at date Wed Feb 05 2025 06:52:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
url url
zip_code string 94110


LovePop store POI (Point of interest) API to fetch all the locations database by sending a GET request to Agenty.

# Get locations by dataset SKU

curl --request GET
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
# List of 2956 locations                   
    "_id": "67a30ab72fa80e65a20baa0b",
    "uuid": "be1611b981ee115c5740eaeadee74ffd",
    "address": "78-7138 Kaleiopapa Street,,Kailua-Kona,HI,96740,United States",
    "city": "Kailua-Kona",
    "country": "United States",
    "created_at": "2025-02-05T06:52:37.700Z",
    "domain": "",
    "latitude": 19.5610815,
    "longitude": -155.9621862,
    "name": "Sea Quest Hawaii 24742197",
    "state": "HI",
    "updated_at": "2025-02-05T06:52:37.700Z",
    "url": "",
    "zip_code": "96740"

# Get api key from

How many locations are available for download in this dataset?

The total locations available to download are: 2956

When was the dataset last updated exactly?

The dataset is updated every week, the last run was completed on .

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