Change Log

Here you can track all the changes made on Agenty prodcuts, API and chrome extension.

Introducing Agenty AI

We are thrilled to announce that we are rolling out Early Access of our brand-new version of Agenty AI , equipped with improved performance, advanced automation capabilities using workflow, and some exciting changes in our API.

This major upgrade marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing cutting-edge AI solutions in web automation and data scraping.

See all the upcoming changes here -

Accept cookie consent automatically

We’ve added a new feature in scraping, web crawling agent to accept cookie consent automatically when visiting a website first time.

For example, if there are any modal open with an active button like “Accept cookie”, “Allow cookie” or “Accept all cookies” etc. Agenty will automatically click on that button to accept and continue to access the webpage for better screenshots, native crawling and looks like as human.

This is turned on by default on all agents. If you want to change the default settings, you can turn it on/off from here -

Your agent > configuration > browser settings

Improved webhook and MongoDB integration

We’ve re-written our webhook and MongoDB integration to auto-transfer the web scraping data to your API or mongo collection automatically.

The data will be partitioned into smaller batches for large volumes. For example, if you have a web scraping agent with 100k output rows.

Agenty will send 100 webhook request to your API, when batch size is set to: 1000 to POST 1000 rows on each request.

Full page screenshots

We’ve improved the scraping agent to capture full page screenshot/HD screenshot for website debugging or general business requirement to capture websites screenshot.

To capture a URL screenshot, add a default field and select full_screenshot from system fields.

Capture website screenshot

Chrome extension v2.9.4

We’ve released the new version of Agenty’s Chrome extension for web scraping with improved user experience and upgrade to chrome manifest v3 for better performance and speed.

  • New draft mode feature to automatically keep the un-saved version of scraping agent to avoid erasing all the fields and selectors on webpage refresh accidentally.
  • Re-designed login flow to ask for login only on save, preview result etc. to improve the testability for customers trying the extension without an Agenty account.
  • Improved UI, buttons and modals.

Scrape data with jQuery

We’ve added the jQuery support in scraping agent to enhance your scraping capability with advanced jQuery or JavaScript code to inject on webpage and extract anything from HTML.

See full post here →

Scrape data with jQuery

Here you can track all the changes made on Agenty products, API, open-source libraries, terms and more. You may signup to get the latest news in your inbox, every month or watch this page for list of change logs.

February 2022

January 2022

  • Launched Agenty 2.0 - Scalable, 2x faster and more secure. See all changes here

Agenty 2.0

April 2021

January 2021

  • New: Added agent_name property in change detection agent actions - wehook, slack and all
  • Logs: Logs level changed to WARN when retrying for errors, instead TRACE
  • Logs: Changed to print error message when retrying instead only statusCode
  • Fix : Fixed crawling agent to match content-type header with mimetypes with/without charset encoding as well. For example mimetypes":["text/html"] will be considered as a match with content-type : text/html; charset=utf-8

December 2020

November 2020

We’ve released many new features in Change Detection agent, here is the list or see this YouTube video here:

  • Better result view - Now you can see the Checks history as well the Changes history report on result tab.
  • Download data - The download data as CSV feature is available now to download the full change detection report as CSV.
  • Screenshot attachment - New screenshot attachment option to attach original and changes screenshot on email attachment to easily compare and find what has been changed.
  • Error alerts - Get an email alert when agent error/website timeout / 404 etc.
  • Screenshot options - Screenshot options are available now to capture element, full_page or half_page screenshot. See docs
  • Actions - New action feature to trigger selected actions. For example, you can use a Slack action to get your change reports on slack or a POST on webhook or even start other agents conditionally when change detected.

October 2020

  • Shopify plugin update : New profit option to add margin dynamically and rounds up options for price rounding See docs

September 2020

  • Shopify plugin upgrade - Now you can upload variants, quantity to better sync product variants as well on your shopify store. See docs

June 2020

  • New screen capture command in scraping agent under login/form submit to capture screenshot for better debugging and trouble-shooting.
  • Fixed fatal error in OCR agent for 0 byte images.

May 2020

  • Fixed request object not shown in while editing the agent
  • New request JSON validation to show quick errors for invalid JSON.

April 2020

  • New Puppeteer API for RPA, Browser as service and web scraping
  • Puppeteer integration with scraping agent.
  • Vertical tabs for agent editor in all existing agent types.

March 2020

February 2020

January 2020

  • New product: Sentiment analysis agent
  • New product: Machine translation agent
  • New gzip data download option in all agents to download agent result as compressed gzip file.
  • Change subscription plan, frequency, cancel option for card-based subscription
  • New public data sets with 100 of agents created by Agenty community to re-use and share data across customers.
  • Algolia integration improvement - New object_id, clear_index option to upsert documents and clear index when needed.

See complete details here

December 2019

See complete details here

November 2019

  • Released Chrome extension 2.8.6 with following changes
    • Load my agents and edit in Chrome extension
    • Auto select elements and generate matching result for all fields while editing the agent.
    • Update agents after making changes
    • Bug fix for svg elements to avoid exception
    • New feature to create multiple collections, preview all collections result and download in extension itself.
  • New: FireStore plugin to send Agenty result to Google FireStore NoSQL database
  • New: Change history option in agents to track the changes in agent configuration and restore if needed (Available in Business and higher plans only)

October 2019

  • New: Proxy and country selection settings to allow customers to define what proxy should be used in their web scraping agent.
  • New: Count option in scraping agent to get the number of matching recoreds.
  • New: Full screen view of agents result

August 2019

  • New: Capture screenshot with web scraping
  • New: Download images, pdf or files with web scraping to your S3 bucket
  • New: SFTP integration to allow automatic file transfer to SFTP
  • Change: Increased total agents credit by 3x in all plans. Now, you have to 10 agents in Basic plan, 100 in Professional plan, and 250 agents in Business plan

July 2019

June 2019

  • Shopify Integration- Scrape products from supplier sites and upload to your Shopify store, update prices, images and more automatically.
  • Algolia Integration- Crawl your website and add, update agent result to your search indices on Algolia.
  • MongoDB Integration- Import the agent result to your MongoDB NoSQL database collection.
  • Amazon S3 Integration- Upload the agent result CSV file to your Amazon S3 Bucket on selected region.
  • Dropbox Integration- Upload the agent result CSV file on your Dropbox account.
  • Affiliate program - Our affiliate program is live now, now you can earn a 30% commission on every client you refer to Agenty

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

  • Scraping Agent - Many improvement in default scraping engine with realistic fingerprints, performance, speed and anonymous that make the web scraper difficult to detect. And 2 more new engines for super-fast web scraping.
  • OCR Agent (new product)
  • Textract Agent (new product)
  • Barcode Recognition Agent (new product)
  • Real-time progress tracking of jobs
  • Buckets - New feature to upload documents
  • Custom Roles - New feature to create custom roles and permission for team members
  • Wait after page load - New feature in scraping agent to wait for selector or fixed time before scraping data.
  • Changes in API authentication - apikey query parameter should be used instead key
  • Changes in start job using API - The async route should be used to start jobs in cloud
  • Lower case attributes - All the attributes in API, Webhook, Plugins etc are set to lowercase as standard.
  • Triggers are now plugins - The trigger feature has been renamed as plugins.
  • Improvement in scheduler UI - The scheduler UI now show the schedule to edit and also the CRON expression
  • Changes in pricing plan - The $49 plan has been removed and added new $249 plan for businesses looking on the requests for high pages credit, and the professional plan now has 75k pages credit and 40 agents. Also note that, there are no change in pricing for existing customers.

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